Do you feel like you’re doing so much right for your health but still feel plagued with inflammation, or fatigue, or anxiety, brain fog, thyroid issues, or are prone to infections or mood swings?
Shatter The Myths About Genes
Learn What Loads And Triggers Your Genes
Learn More About Your Body And How To Trust It Again.
Look At Your Health From A Different Perspective
Learn How To Optimise Your Energy And Healing
Do you have countless half-empty supplement bottles in the cupboard?
Have you spent thousands of dollars on doctors and health practitioners, only to still be experiencing most of your initial symptoms?
Do you feel like you do everything “right”—apply every health hack—but you still have no energy, no libido, no spark, or sense of humour, much of the time?
Are your lab test results, hard to interpret?
Are you worried about genetic mutations or hereditary health challenges?
Maybe you’re worried that one of children seems to be anxious or too serious all the time?
As cliché as it sounds, you are not alone.
In fact more and more adults and children are experiencing a decline in the health every year?
But why?
Why does it feel like so many people are struggling with their health?
It makes sense for someone who’s neglected their health for two or three decades to start experiencing health issues but if you’re like most parents or clients I work with who are doing so much right, it can be a little harder to know what’s triggered your health issues, and it’s certainly frustrating when they linger.
After four years of intense chronic stress, I was desperate to regain my health. I’d been a lifelong health enthusiast and successful health practitioner, yet here I was so inflamed that I couldn’t even lift my arms above my head without excruciating neck pain. At times, every joint in my body would ache. I was becoming more and more anxious, and I even started experiencing liver pain due to overusing supplements.
Like you, I sought answers. Six years earlier, I had already begun to study functional medicine approaches for one of my sons who was far more sensitive to his environment than his brothers. I also had other family members and patients for whom I was searching for answers for, and genetic susceptibilities and methylation blocks made a lot of sense to me. I attended seminars and read hundreds of books and articles.
When I saw functional medicine doctors a few years later for my own waning health however, I could not get answers to my questions regarding what else I could be doing for my own genetic SNPs and methylation challenges. Everything revolved around supplements, and there was never any discussion about diet and lifestyle habits.
Today more and more people are talking about genetic SNP’s but 7-8 years ago very few people were. Other health practitioners would ignorantly dismiss my queries about methylation and reply that I didn’t need to worry about it.
They simply recommended I take more supplements or follow a particular food regime. In my desperation, I’d follow their lead rather than trusting my instincts.
Once, I reacted so intensely to a raw green smoothie protocol suggested by a naturopath suggested that I could not get off the couch due to photophobia, an intense migraine, and sinus reactions.
At this point, I threw in the towel.
It’s infuriating, yes, but it’s also scary. We find ourselves wondering if we can ever regain our health.
Sound familiar?
Bamboozled myself, I decided to continue studying methylation and genetics. That’s now been a 12-year love-hate relationship and through that process I made significant gains with my own health.
Then I dove deeper into biochemistry and started studying mitochondrial health, as well as bioenergetics, and this is where I started to understand how our genetics and our mitochondrial health intertwine. Through trial, error, and study, I started combining what I had learnt from both approaches, and over a 12-month period I was able to overcome my residual thyroid and adrenal issues, insulin insensitivity, poor sleep, food sensitivities and energy fluctuations.
Then, I started applying this combined approach with others—and the results have been incredible.
Most people I know spend close to a thousand dollars for an initial consultation with a functional medicine practitioner. Perhaps half that – for a natural health care practitioner.
We then spend hundreds of dollars to get lab tests done, followed by another consultation where these results are explained to us, which seems to involve a lot of paper shuffling and very little English. Another hefty consult fee follows, along with spending hundreds of dollars on a supplement for every symptom. Then we repeat this process several times a year with that practitioner until, hopefully, we feel a bit better— or, like in most cases, we don’t. Not far along the way, we go through the whole expensive process again with another practitioner.
The question is – Are you ready understand your body’s unique needs, and finally make sense of symptoms, labels, or test results that have left you bewildered? Are you ready take charge of your health?
If you are, then I can help you.
Introducing the Methylation & Metabolic Balance (MMB) Course.
- Help you understand your body instead of feeling at odds with it.
- Provide actionable steps to help you start feeling your best.
- Guide you in achieving clarity, control, and vitality—without endless supplements.
What You’ll Learn in 9 Hours of Transformational Content:
🎓 Understand Your Genes:
How your methylation pathways impact your mood, detoxification pathways, gut health, and more.
🎓 Demystify Genetic Mutations:
Why genes aren’t set in stone. Learn how to work with them—not against them.
🎓 Recharge Your Energy:
How your cells make energy and why your body might be stuck in “low battery mode.”
What healthy habits, diet regimes and “hacks” could be sabotaging your cellular energy.
🎓 Fix the Foundations:
Optimize digestion, hormones, and metabolism for sustainable energy and vitality.
🎓 Make Sense of Lab Results:
Stop feeling overwhelmed by data and gain confidence in interpreting your health markers.
🎓 Eat to Support Your Body:
Learn how to meet your unique nutritional needs.
🎓 Change Habits with Intention:
Transform your environment and lifestyle to align with your health goals.
🎓 Break the Confusion Cycle:
Turn conflicting advice into clarity and action steps tailored to YOU.

What’s Included:
Introduction Video (26:00)
Why Methylation Matters (42:00)
A Deeper Dive Into Methylation (82:00)
Energy Metabolism (103:00)
Testing (76:00)
Getting On Track Part 1 (59:00)
Getting On Track Part 2 (76:00)
Getting On Track Part 3 (114:00)
Tongue Tie, Tongue Tightness (35:00)
- Explains lab test results,
- Provides a game plan for both undermethylation and overmethylation,
- Outlines common genes and genetic SNPs and how to improve their function,
- Explains how to measure your metabolic rate
- Includes meal guides and shopping lists
- Recipes
- And Self-Help PDFs
Why This Course is Different:
This course is designed with intention. It’s not about throwing random health hacks at you—it’s about equipping you to understand your symptoms, test results, and health patterns so you can make lasting changes.
It’s about helping you realize your body hasn’t been working against you—it has been preserving you. With the right tools, you can move your body from fight-or-flight survival mechanisms to strong cellular energy and experience exceptional health.
Returning to our initial question of “Why are so many people struggling with their health?”
I believe it’s a combination of:
- Genetic susceptibility and a lack of understanding about what individual genes need. Our genes don’t need to limit our health, but we do have to learn how to care for them.
- Appreciating that all our experiences and exposures to date – impact our current state of health. This includes how many children we’ve had, how much stress we’ve been under, how much alcohol we drink, and our exposure to toxins, vaccines, antibiotics, and other medications that deplete and load our system.
- But also whether we push ourselves and over-exercise or under-eat.
- Whether we have severely restricted our diet, which, interestingly, can be as damaging as eating poorly.
💡 Valued at $1,100, we’re offering this transformational course for just $350 (US dollars).
You’ve spent enough time and money on band-aid solutions. It’s time to invest in truly understanding your health and reclaiming the vitality you deserve.
Let’s turn confusion into clarity.
What Else You'll Learn In This Course

- Lean how methylation governs your health.
- Understand what genes do.
- Learn how and why we should avoid folic acid.
- Learn how endocrine disruptors impact methylation. Where to find them and how to avoid them.
- Understand how glyphosate and other toxins offset methylation and how to overcome their harmful effects.
- What is glutathione and how it fuels and protects the brain and our body. How we can support our glutathione pathways.
- Why thyroid issues and energy issues are not unique to women?
- Understand oxidative stress and the impact heavy metals have on absorption.
- How can we support our mitochondria?
- The impact of drugs and medications, electromagnetic radiation and stress have on our methylation.
- How vegan and vegetarian diets fail to support methylation fully.
- Which approaches to food selection support cellular energy.

You’ve set me on the right path. Thank you, Jen"

And it’s not just about MTHFR gene mutations — it’s a must-watch to make sure that we are serving our clients and those around us with the best that we know to date. And Jen makes it makes sense! She’s taken the hard work of years of biochemistry and delivers it in a way that’s easy to understand and apply to our practice. This is something that every holistic practitioner needs to know and understand. Thank you Jen!”

Jen really takes the time to go back over the basics before delving into the intricacies of the methylation pathways and MTHFR gene involvement. But not only do you finish the course with a refreshed understanding of the biochemical pathways, but it also provides you with detailed action steps you can implement in practice straight away. From learning what signs and symptoms to look for, to having the correct testing done and then putting a plan in place, the course is with you every step of the way.
The methylation course is an absolute must-have tool for any chiropractor, health practitioner or lay-person wanting to take charge of their health. "

Thank you!"

I could totally relate to your journey and ‘your' approach makes sense. It caters for the individual rather than it being 1 size fits all.
You’ve set me on the right path. Thank you, Jen"

Meet Your Instructor

Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani
(B.App.Clin.Sci, B.App.Chiro)
Award-winning health practitioner, Best Selling Author. Founder of WellAdjusted.
Dr Jen uses her 15 years of learning about methylation, collates that with her deep dive into energy metabolism, and her holistic health practitioner knowledge, to distill a complex topic into user friendly everyday strategies to greater health. For the last two years Jennifer and her husband have been lecturing and training practitioners throughout Europe.