Your Menstrual Cycle Explained
We all know the highs and lows of being a woman (assuming you, the reader, are a woman of course), and we tend to have a general idea of what our body feels like as
We all know the highs and lows of being a woman (assuming you, the reader, are a woman of course), and we tend to have a general idea of what our body feels like as
So perhaps you have just read our blog on the Birth Control Pill, or maybe have been doing some research of your own. Either way you have made it here because you have decided that
Strictly speaking, our bodies are incredibly clever vessels (especially women’s, if we may say so ourselves?). From digestion to creating hormones, to brain function and creating new life, it is one of the most complex
At this point, you have probably read our other blogs in this series on the female menstrual cycle and hormonal contraception. Now for some reason or another, you may feel that your cycle is not
Cramping, PMS, sugar craving, tender breasts. All of which comes along with our monthly menses, right? Well no, not necessarily. I know it is hard to believe, but most of the things that we ‘deal
“Over the last couple of years we’ve all heard someone we know singing praises about bone broths, so let’s explore what all the ‘hoo-ha’ is all about…” What is bone broth? Bone Broth (also referred
Yep, over the last few years we have heard oodles and oodles about the human microbiome. About probiotics, prebiotics, fermented foods and bone broth just as a start for gut related “buzz” words. I could
Hmmmm – seems The American Academy of Pediatrics have recently stated that food colourings are not the innocuous stuff most people consider them to be. What’s more, (wait for it) they may actually be dangerous
“Adaptogens are meant to bring us back to the middle” says Dr. Brenda Powell, co-medical director of the Center for Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute.1 Functional medicine guru Frank Lipman,
ARRRRRR, artificial fragrances! The other day I drove my son’s car and within a few minutes I pulled over and searched the vehicle high and low. I was a woman possessed searching for a smell
The process involved in ‘making a baby’ always sounds fun and easy but for many couples this simply isn’t the case. For some the desire to conceive desperately escalates over time and month after month they find themselves far from ‘barefoot and pregnant.’ Other couples struggle with repeat miscarriages and feelings of inadequacy and disappointment. In fact infertility is now a global issue affecting 1 in 6 Australian couples, 1 in 5 American couples and 1 in 7 in the UK.
Most of you know that I am a firm believer in having a private midwife during your pregnancy and birth. There is also nothing better than having your private midwife guide you through that crazy
[ Note: This is the 3rd in my Health & Fertility series of articles. Please read #1 and #2 first! ] I’ve always been someone who likes to be prepared. I don’t really like surprises… (…unless I’ve hinted sufficiently about a gift
It fascinates me that we seem to know more about what influences reproductive success in laboratory animals then we do in human beings… [ Note: This is the 2nd in my 3-part Health & Fertility series
A lot of couples today now wonder how fertile they are… This may be because they personally know other couples who have had ‘fertility challenges’ and they are now curious about their own potential to