10 Ways to Detoxify Your Body!
Diet and everyday lifestyle is usually the main source of unwanted toxicity, and these toxins can be hard to avoid – this is why it’s important we adapt certain routines to help our body flush
Diet and everyday lifestyle is usually the main source of unwanted toxicity, and these toxins can be hard to avoid – this is why it’s important we adapt certain routines to help our body flush
Recently I’ve been asking the team at Well Adjusted and the practice, to share with me some of their favourite recipes. As the weather cools down Tara and I were discussing how we crave soups.
Some years ago Patricia Brennan Ph.D and her team found that when a chiropractic adjustment was applied to the middle back, the response of white blood cells taken from blood collected 15 minutes after the
It’s winter here in the southern hemisphere and as the days get colder we are focused on keeping warm. As you know this means being indoors more frequently due to the weather in artificially heated
Chai tea is a spicy, warm beverage traditionally made from some of the world’s most medicinally active herbs. There are many different versions of Chai floating around, some with a more modern spin on the