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Constructs That I Hold To Be True, Amidst the Chaos.

Constructs That I Hold To Be True, Amidst the Chaos.

WorldJanuary 2021. Whether we are pondering our health, the environment, humanity, or the elephant in the room right now, our collective future. There are certain constructs that I believe hold true. When I am left wondering what does the future hold for our children. When I’m left questioning the moral compass or intestinal fortitude of humanity, I circle back to the intelligence within us and around us.

Holism(n); The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Feels from the weekend. I maintain confidence in our origins and our future.

January 2021. Whether we are pondering our health, the environment, humanity, or the elephant in the room right now, our collective future. There are certain constructs that I believe hold true. When I am left wondering what does the future hold for our children. When I’m left questioning the moral compass or intestinal fortitude of humanity, I circle back to the intelligence within us and around us.

Holism(n); The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Holism appreciates that all living organisms are sustained by an inner, innate intelligence.

That this intelligence expresses itself via cells that weave their uniqueness and their aptitude together for the collective good of the overall being.

When uninhibited these cells work to preserve life and express optimal potential.

This inner genius heals cuts and wounds.

This intelligence is greater than any one cell.

And is more powerful than one organ, or anyone ‘one’ organ system.

This intelligence beckons cells to collaborate.

It creates life within us, and sustains life.

This intelligence is the brainchild of Universal Intelligence that created night and day, day and night, our wonderful ocean tides and holds planets in the sky.

It’s an intelligence that is so powerful it knows how to overcome ALL odds.


Continuously obstructing, hampering, or masking our bodies intelligence with chemicals in our soil, our water, food sources, through drugs and vaccines, offsets our body’s inner compass.

So too do the larger macro lifestyle choices that we make.

These trappings derail our instincts and move us from harmony and order, to disorder and chaos.

As confusion takes hold there’s a disconnect. Cells start working in isolation and micromanaging their domain. They shut down their life force and ultimately, become sick.

When we interfere and create a disconnect in nature, we see this same process unfold in our environment.

When we interfere and promote separation amongst the masses, we see this same process unfold with humanity.

This process of divide and conquer has been in place for so long that many of us don’t know a life that isn’t driven by isolation, competitiveness, gratification, greed or fear.

And yet everyday we can witness Holism. Innate and Universal intelligence at play. In nature, with our health, our relationships, with acts of kindness and spontaneity.

This intelligence, this beauty, is written in our DNA. It is at the core of our deepest yearning.

This intelligence is the champion of the group and the individual, because they are ultimately one and the same.

This intelligence is calling us to close our eyes right now and hear our universal heartbeat.

To hear the sound of our origins.

To let go of the trappings and the fear, and to reclaim our innate wisdom.

To heal.

To align.

To collaborate.

To overcome.

To be whole again.

Because that is who we are.


This is what I hold to be true of both our origin, and our future.


With love and respect,

Jennifer Barham-Floreani,
Bach. Chiropractic, Bach. App Clinical Science
Registered internationally, no longer practicing as a chiropractor in Australia.



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