Colic And Reflux: What’s A Parent To Do?
We all know that as much as we don’t want them to, babies cry, and sometimes a lot. As new parents it’s stressful to discern what our newborns’ cries mean and it’s harder again to
We all know that as much as we don’t want them to, babies cry, and sometimes a lot. As new parents it’s stressful to discern what our newborns’ cries mean and it’s harder again to
Did you know that for many of us, breast tenderness is due to hormonal imbalances – specifically, oestrogen dominance? Do your breasts get lumpy and achy before your period, or anytime of the month for that
If you breastfeed or have breastfed, then you have probably experienced a blocked or clogged milk duct at some point. Possibly after you’ve accidentally knocked your breast, worn something too restrictive across your chest or
There is no simpler way to put it, mastitis is just plain nasty! If you’ve experienced it before, then you know it’s certainly something that you want to try to avoid having again! Mastitis is inflammation
Breast and nipple thrush (BNT) is a yeast infection of the nipple and breast caused by the fungal organism Candida, a common cause of all thrush infections. It occurs most commonly in breastfeeding mothers. It is normal for babies to have Candida in the mouth and
Part 2 of 2 in our Dangers of Screen Time series. Our families are certainly not immune to the demands of our “plugged in” world and, as you will have read in Part 1 of
Some say preparing for your second child is easier than your first. Perhaps this is true but ‘first time’ around you didn’t have a little person to contend with and their feelings to consider.
Is my baby getting enough milk? This common concern for mothers will often result in feelings worry and inadequacy – especially for a first time mum when you are still learning the ropes and how
As mentioned in Part 1 of this article, there seems to be no adequate substitute for making time to bond and connect with our children. So if brain development paraphernalia is not the best answer,
Many of us live busy, goal-oriented lives in which we race about, eager to achieve quick results and succeed in all manner of tasks, great or small. This cultural tendency permeates everything we do, even
I am often asked about poo habits. It’s NOT the most glamorous part of my work I’ll admit but hey, discussing bowel habits (what’s healthy and what’s not) IS important for all members of the
There are some babies that from day one sleep through the night without so much ‘as a peep’, however most babies do not. If your baby or infant wakes each night, please know that —
A mother said to me today that her favourite line in Well Adjusted Babies was when I was discussing uterine massage for after the birth, “that it may be important if your partner is helping
Most of you know that I am a firm believer in having a private midwife during your pregnancy and birth. There is also nothing better than having your private midwife guide you through that crazy
There are some babies that from day one sleep through the night without so much ‘as a peep’, however most babies do not. If your baby or infant wakes each night, please know that —