For Chiropractors: Buckled Sacrum Technique

For Chiropractors: Buckled Sacrum Technique

buckled-sacrumHi Practitioners,

Here are some details on a technique I will move through quickly on Saturday at the DG Seminar. As I have limited time, I feel better knowing you will have the information for a later date.

Buckled Sacrum Technique

When To Use This Technique:

The technique is for a ‘Buckled Sacrum.’ I use this if on palpation the S2 segment feels posterior, often seen in women with dysmenorrhoea or pregnant women who have torsion in both Round ligaments. If uncorrected these pregnant women develop premature contractions as the parasympathetic nervous system responds to anterior tipping of the uterus and cervix. At this point it is important and beneficial to work with the parasympathetic nervous system rather then utilising a host of other techniques.

I also teach this technique to partners to utilise during birth if mothers have dystocia in labour.


We will run through this technique briefly on the weekend, I recommend any practitioner wanting specifics that they read Carol Phillip’s DC articles published through the JCCP or her books. Dr Liz Anderson Peacock and I also spent quite a lot of time on this at our Pregnancy seminar that was recorded and is available through the ASRF, CPD points are also available through viewing these.

The mother faces wall, with her feet shoulder width, hands on the wall to stabilize. She makes figure of eight motions with her pelvis.

The practitioner uses a flattened palm, with fingers facing caudal, and applies S to I pressure and minimial P-A pressure for correction – visualise “smoothing out” S2.

Stabilizing hand is placed on pubis symphisis, with no motion.


Check sacro-tuberous ligament and check for myo-fascial constraint in each quadrant.

How Do You Know If The Mother Is Experiencing Premature Contractions Or Is In Fact In Labour?

This table helps to outline the distinctions in contractions of False labour versus true labour. If you are in doubt contact the mothers carers immediately.


  • Contractions stop
  • Contractions remain irregular
  • Contractions tend to be short
  • Contractions are not intense
  • Walking has no effect on contractions or may even stop them
  • Contractions are felt in the lower part of the uterus

  • Contractions progress
  • Contractions become regular
  • Contractions increase in duration
  • Contractions increase in intensity
  • Walking increases the intensity of contractions
  • Contractions are felt in the upper part of uterus

 . . . . .
From the desk of…

Jennifer Barham-Floreani
Bach. Chiropractic, Bach. App Clinical Science
Registered internationally, no longer practicing as a chiropractor in Australia.


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