Do I Have Candida?
I was at a function and I got into conversation with a girlfriend who was complaining that she couldn’t drink alcohol because she was on a prescribed drug. Curious, I asked her what was happening?
I was at a function and I got into conversation with a girlfriend who was complaining that she couldn’t drink alcohol because she was on a prescribed drug. Curious, I asked her what was happening?
How Can I Control Candida and Re-Balance My Body? There is no denying Candida is difficult to control and it requires commitment and patience. Candida thrives on sugar and refined carbohydrates, however if you stay
If you missed our Zoom seminar on “Birth and Pregnancy During Unfamiliar Times”, here is the seminar recording you can watch it online. Well Adjusted : Birth and Pregnancy During Unfamiliar Times
Let’s be honest from the start, if this is your first pregnancy, then the thought of having to do perineal massage might not thrill you. If you tore with your last birth, then the thought of
Being subluxated anywhere in your spine, at any point of your life -is not ideal, particularly if you are wanting your body to maintain balance and order. As you probably know your nervous system is
Some say preparing for your second child is easier than your first. Perhaps this is true but ‘first time’ around you didn’t have a little person to contend with and their feelings to consider.
One of our team members at work has been experiencing quite severe morning sickness over the last few months. The poor love really has had a rough first trimester… As I consider the conversations we’ve
Most of you know that I am a firm believer in having a private midwife during your pregnancy and birth. There is also nothing better than having your private midwife guide you through that crazy
“Sleep is essential for the body to recover and regenerate.” —Dr. Fabrizio Mancini Just as activity is healing, so is sleep. During sleep, your body repairs damage caused by stress or environmental toxins, and sorts
Do you regularly feel confused or forgetful? Are you increasingly anxious or paranoid? Or do you fly into a rage unexpectedly? Firstly, let me assure you that you are not alone and secondly, there are
Hi Practitioners, Here are some details on a technique I will move through quickly on Saturday at the DG Seminar. As I have limited time, I feel better knowing you will have the information for
One area that I can confidently say that I am an expert in is with knowing “the pregnant brain”. Having had five pregnancies in eight years I have developed a keen understanding of how hormones
Have you noticed that your baby or infant has a flat spot on their head? That the overall head shape seems uneven? It may be worth a little more attention… Sometimes parents of young
This week we had Arlo come into our bed in the middle of the night, most nights. Finally it dawned on us (in the middle of the night) that he had also had a nasty
Are you worried your genes will determine what diseases you’ll get or whether you will end up being fat? Many of us worry that we haven’t won the gene pool lottery. Fear not though —