Educational DVD’s, Time with you or ‘Free Playtime’…what’s better?
Babies may seem happy to simply sit in a pram, a bouncer or a constraint conveniently placed in front of the TV and older children are typically happy to sit in front of a ‘screen
Babies may seem happy to simply sit in a pram, a bouncer or a constraint conveniently placed in front of the TV and older children are typically happy to sit in front of a ‘screen
There are some babies that from day one sleep through the night without so much ‘as a peep’, however most babies do not. If your baby or infant wakes each night, please know that —
Okay I’ve had a lot of questions relating to pelvic floor issues the last few weeks. Some of these women are incredibly young, some of these women have never had children and some are incredibly
The last few weeks of pregnancy are vitally important. Here are some suggestions for a mother during her final stages of pregnancy. 1. Crawl On All Fours (Hands And Knees) For Five To Ten
“25 REMINDERS FOR THE LAST SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS” Continued… 18. MAKE A PHONE TREE Nominate a couple of people to call after you’ve had your baby, and then have family and friends make the
A mother said to me today that her favourite line in Well Adjusted Babies was when I was discussing uterine massage for after the birth, “that it may be important if your partner is helping
A few weeks ago a Mother told me that her son was allergic to chocolate. While I researched the topic for her I stumbled across this information below which YES – is HORRIFYING but brings
Choosing a formula can be tricky and lots of mums ask for my recommendations and suggestions. New research 1 shows that consumption of soy formula may now be associated with a higher rate of seizures in
Choosing a formula can be tricky and lots of mums ask for my recommendations and suggestions. New research 1 shows that consumption of soy formula may now be associated with a higher rate of seizures in
“Do you think the Australian government will investigate all high risk groups for suicide?” this question has plagued me the last few days after a woman asked me if I had been listening to the
“But we have nothing to do!” Do you ever scratch your head blankly searching for ideas when your children complain like this? Apparently their boredom is also all your fault because you have just demanded
This is a funny story but also a telling tale of “our modern world.” My in-laws were caring for our boys recently and my brood had intentionally been very elusive about how much digital time
I love Ghee’s nutty subtle flavour and I use it consistently now – roasting vegetables or when searing meat (try it you’ll love it!) Add to this the host of health benefits that ghee offers
Have you ever had someone suggest that you should try a particular drink or herb for your stress levels? Late last year a friend who has studied Ayurvedic medicine for decades told me with a
We have had lots of interest about the benefits of working with private midwives so here is a beautiful post from Jan Ireland and Mama’s group. —Jennifer Barham-Floreani Birth is a Wellness Event