What are possible effects of Birth Trauma?
Please see related blogs “Parents Often Ask Why Newborns Should be Checked by a Chiropractor” and “All Babies deserve to have their nervous systems checked!“ A study found that of 239 mothers who chose to
Please see related blogs “Parents Often Ask Why Newborns Should be Checked by a Chiropractor” and “All Babies deserve to have their nervous systems checked!“ A study found that of 239 mothers who chose to
We wanted to reshare this important blog with you all. Some people wonder why more and more parents are taking their children to see chiropractors. The answer is simple: whether we have a large spine
It’s one thing to eat meat, it’s another to eat organ meat. I’m not normally a fan due to frightening childhood experiences, but I’ve been experimenting with liver the last few weeks and not once
Active listening with our children is not really about conversation, it is about holding a silence, holding a space to hear our kids. When they open up a discussion, it is not so much about
In my experience once we sit with this truth and wrap our heads around it, a full disclosure about the fears that are plaguing us, does help communication blocks. You see we all get triggered
Kids tease. There’s nothing nice about it but it happens. On one level it’s often about one child teasing another child about their name, surname, hair colour, or a mistake they have made. I like
The other day I had a little patient and at some point, during the adjustment he picked his nose. In her embarrassment the Mum gently scolded him, and the little boy completely withdrew and lowered
Do you sometimes think that buying organic foods is just for high net worth individuals with too much cash? For the wee gullible? For the ‘Do Right’ families, keen to show the rest of us
Have you ever wondered how often you should poo, or if your poo was healthy? Okay, after we get passed the awkwardness of this topic most of us would admit we are a little intrigued…
Parents often ask me, “How do I get my children to eat good foods?” and to this I always reply, “Pick your battles and be very clear that ‘food’ is the battle that you win!”
Part 2 of 2 in our Dangers of Screen Time series. Our families are certainly not immune to the demands of our “plugged in” world and, as you will have read in Part 1 of
By Matt Mahalo, wellbeing author and proud father of two. No, I’m not talking about gut feelings and intuition here. I mean simple gut health… Because it’s difficult to be a good parent when we
Has anyone else tried making water kefir and failed or felt like you’ve failed because you’re not sure that what you’ve created is actually the real deal? I can smash out an awesome Kombucha tea
“Over the last couple of years we’ve all heard someone we know singing praises about bone broths, so let’s explore what all the ‘hoo-ha’ is all about…” What is bone broth? Bone Broth (also referred
Hmmmm – seems The American Academy of Pediatrics have recently stated that food colourings are not the innocuous stuff most people consider them to be. What’s more, (wait for it) they may actually be dangerous