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Up and Coming Well Adjusted Seminars 2022
General Wellness

Well Adjusted Seminar Information 2024

Seminar speakers: Dr Jennifer BARHAM-FLOREANI, DCDr Simon FLOREANI, DC What Chiropractors Say About Our Seminars: “Coming back home after taking Well Adjusted Babies Module One for a second time this weekend in Stockholm, I can

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Tender breasts

Tender Breasts? What Does That Mean?

Did you know that for many of us, breast tenderness is due to hormonal imbalances – specifically, oestrogen dominance? Do your breasts get lumpy and achy before your period, or anytime of the month for that

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fields of green
Gut Health

Glyphosate – What Is It Exactly?

  Glyphosate: Does this Sound Familiar to Anyone? Whether you know what it is, or you don’t, you can be pretty sure, unfortunately, that you have ingested it. No matter how cautious we may be

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General Wellness

Fluoride : Let’s Dive Deeper…

As discussed in our previous blog, Fluoride: What Do You Need to Know? as inconvenient and alarming as it is, there are some known health risks associated with fluoride consumption. Understanding these effects is a

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General Wellness

How to Reduce Oxidative Stress

This is part 2 of a blog series. Please see our first blog, What is Oxidative Stress. As a refresher oxidative stress is a term used to describe when the critical balance between free radical generation

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General Wellness

Fluoride: What Do You Need To Know?

Most of us when we think of fluoride, we tend to think of toothpaste. We associate the fluoride that’s added to our toothpaste, mouth rinses, and water supply as a strong disruptor against plaque bacteria helping

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black cumin
General Wellness

Black Cumin Seed Oil: Get Around It!

Since the start of time, we have used plants for medicinal purposes. Black cumin seeds are one of those age-old plant remedies that fortunately is also backed by hundreds of scientific peer-reviewed articles. Black cumin seed

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Holistic Parenting

Looking at Stress Head On

 Are there days where you feel like too many  people are counting on you or that you have  too much on your plate?   Did you just hit ‘send’ on a fraudulently  cheery email when

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