Thriving in Winter!
It’s winter here in the southern hemisphere and as the days get colder we are focused on keeping warm. As you know this means being indoors more frequently due to the weather in artificially heated
It’s winter here in the southern hemisphere and as the days get colder we are focused on keeping warm. As you know this means being indoors more frequently due to the weather in artificially heated
Chai tea is a spicy, warm beverage traditionally made from some of the world’s most medicinally active herbs. There are many different versions of Chai floating around, some with a more modern spin on the
Looking for a clean start to the day? Most of us have heard people singing the praises of the benefits of lemon water and we have then had the fleeting thought, “Yep I should remember
Have you ever wondered what to do with the stems of broccoli? Don’t throw them out — they contain oodles of nutrients including potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, beta-carotene and vitamin A — they have enormous cancer-fighting
Are there days where you feel like too many people are counting on you or that you have too much on your plate? Did you just hit ‘send’ on a fraudulently cheery email when
Feeling like stress has you by the short and curlies? You can’t sleep but you’re bone tired? You’re having heart palpitations and finding it hard to catch a full breath? Then consider how long
New parents are often shocked that newborn babies initially sleep and feed around the clock. The average newborn will sleep 16 out of 24 hours but all babies are different and you may find your
Celebrity chef Pete Evans has been promoting his new book, which advocates a paleo diet for children. This has prompted parents to email and ask me for my thoughts. Let me be frank. I believe
Parents often ask, “How do I get my children to eat good foods?” and to this we reply, “Pick your battles and be clear that food is one you want to win!” Every family must
With the hoards of hungry children in my house due to school holidays I often encourage (okay “force”) my children to make smoothies and healthy muffins or cakes to help ease the load of “feeding
Who knew Christmas would come about so quickly this year? Certainly not me! But seeings as it’s only one more sleep until we all stop and typically have a weeks rest before a new year
In the last post, we talked about if you mastering your health and vitality or are you perhaps just subscribing to the latest health trend without fully examining if it’s moving you towards greater health and
Q: Are you mastering health and vitality or simply subscribing to the latest health trend? “You mean to say people pay to have someone put a hose in their bottom and wash out their intestines
One of my children who shall remain nameless but for simplicity sake let’s call him Nelson 🙂 has been somewhat argumentative this last week. It’s the end of term, I get it – he’s tired.
Today is Thanksgiving Day, and having just flown back from the US I have many mixed emotions. Granted the roller coaster ride (or sea of emotions) could be attributed to my jet lag, but I’d