How might dummies/pacifiers be detrimental?
This is the second of three blogs relating to dummies or pacifiers. When I was working through the studies on pacifiers a number of questions came up for me and I required the specifics of
This is the second of three blogs relating to dummies or pacifiers. When I was working through the studies on pacifiers a number of questions came up for me and I required the specifics of
This is the third blog relating to the discussion of the effects of dummies or pacifiers on health and in particular how they increase an infants susceptibility to ear infections. So to conclude I have collated a list
When revisiting the topic of Electromagnetic Radiation EMR recently (see Tips To Minimise Your Electromagnetic Radiation exposure) I had many questions regarding a particular item dear to my heart — firstly my iPhone and “Just
Firstly let’s clarify – What is Electromagnetic radiation (EMR)?? Simply, it is a form of non-ionizing radiation (excites the matter but structurally doesn’t change it) which we encounter from electrical and communications equipment. Non-ionising radiation refers
I spent time recently with family friends who are finally able to enjoy the trials and tribulations of parenthood, after a long and arduous overseas adoption process… The delight and pleasure this couple exuded was
Ever wondered about the effects make-up have on your health? The Sunday Morning Herald recently published (Jan 31st 2010) an article highlighting new research that shows the average woman applies more than 500 chemicals to
Well, well, we are back from the U.S. and back into the swing of things having had a fabulous time. We started off in Las Vegas with a conference where we had wonderful support and promotion
Is your family a little weary?? While the New Year has only just begun I find myself extremely focused on what I can do to slooooooow down and strengthen the health of the little people in my life. For
Here are some other Healthy Tips to start your year off with a BLAST… 4. Exercise If Santa brought your children DVDs and computer games for Christmas, then chances are they could do with some
Christmas is a funny time isn’t it? The year comes to end, we join with family and friends and sometimes if we are not careful we embark on the New Year having not caught our
Life has been very good to me. I was born the youngest of six children, at a time when my parents were eagerly partaking in lots of personal development. My parents guided and encouraged me
The last few weeks have been comical on many levels. Comical because in sheer exasperation, I have decided to watch my thoughts and look at exactly what it is I have been manifesting and creating
Simon and I went on Channel 10’s – 9am with David and Kim Show this week as chiropractors debating whether research on “the effects of thongs” was important or even warranted. It is always tricky
This is a copy of an email I received from the True Food Network – The Greenpeace GE team. Please take action as it is imperative that all foods label GE ingredients!! ________ We all
Here’s another great Summer Recipe… Banana, Pineapple, & Apple Cake Ingredients: 3 medium bananas, mashed ½ fresh pineapple, chopped into small pieces 1 granny smith apple, peeled, cored & chopped into small pieces 2 cups