Breastfeeding and Alcohol
In answer to the question “Will my breastfed baby be affected by what I eat and drink?”… The answer is yes, a mother’s milk will pass consumed substances such as food, alcohol and other chemicals
In answer to the question “Will my breastfed baby be affected by what I eat and drink?”… The answer is yes, a mother’s milk will pass consumed substances such as food, alcohol and other chemicals
I am very honoured to be speaking tomorrow at the World Wellness Project alongside some amazing ‘movers and shakers’. The Summit begins today. Global sustainability leader Mike Reynolds, Happiness Guru & best selling Author, Marci
Do you sometimes forget which chemicals to watch out for when buying shampoos or toothpaste? I had a ‘vanity moment’ the other day wondering how to whiten my teeth without all those hideous chemicals found
In the previous blog we discussed why it is important to consider our highest values in life. This is a great process and one that really helps to put things into perspective, remembering that we
Generally speaking I am extremely inspired by what I do. In fact, most of us have extraordinary motivation and commitment when we are inspired. The tricky part I find (and I know that I’m not
Over the last few months we have been creating a DVD on the physical, emotional and chemical stressors that todays children face and the movement that has begun to combat the impact of these. During
This week I had the great pleasure of speaking at a Women’s Conference in London and it was a truly amazing experience. There is something powerfully unique about a group of women who have organized
Over the years we have had many clients who have queried why their children seem to suffer one cold after another. Girlfriends who have said, “but why does Sammy keep getting ear infections?” Sometimes, the
Most of us are aware of the saying “breast is best”, but is this still the case if a mother smokes? This is a great question and in exploring the answers we will look at
The first months after a baby is born are perhaps the most challenging in a mother’s life. In fact, they will possibly be the most challenging in a couple’s relationship. This is truly a delicate
Next to being fearful that something may be wrong with our developing baby, the greatest fear many women have is whether they are gaining too much weight during pregnancy. So let’s cut straight to the
I don’t know about you, but the last few months have been a little testing for Simon and I. In fact so many of our friends have also echoed this that I NOW think the
This week I re-implemented a ritual in our household that has, to my complete surprise, made me feel SO SUPPORTED….. Now I’ll tell you what that ritual is as long as you don’t laugh. Truly…………..
This week Quin and his fellow Preps made “Worry Dolls.” Gorgeous little wooden dolls made from pegs, pipe cleaners, cloth and string. Quin’s understanding of why they had made these dolls was that, “You can
With winter well and truly upon us, finding inspiration to source and provide simple, wholesome food the whole family will love can feel especially challenging. Here are a few recipes to throw into your repertoire