Grumpy Child Syndrome
We went to the beach over the weekend with some of our relatives and after three days of sharing a house, there was anarchy amongst the children. This is probably fairly predictable behavior for all
We went to the beach over the weekend with some of our relatives and after three days of sharing a house, there was anarchy amongst the children. This is probably fairly predictable behavior for all
Most days I feel a level of inspiration and intestinal fortitude that enables me to gracefully handle any ‘nutritional whim’ my children may throw at me. By nutritional whims, I mean the requests or demands
As a mother I am completely aware of how exhausting it can be to keep a handle on ‘good nutrition’ for a family. Information changes on a daily basis regarding what’s good for us and
I had a funny experience last night. I was talking to one of my sister’s on the phone, whilst trying to carry a washing basket full of clothes up two flights of stairs. With my
The other day a girlfriend was asking me how it’s possible that she could have increased her exercise regime again and yet felt much more tired and sluggish than normal. There may be a few
As always, life is full of learning and sweet reminders. Over the last few weeks I have realised that I have started to let myself feel very squeezed by life. That I have let myself
As we discussed in the previous blog “Toxins in Baby Products”, there are many nasty chemicals to watch out for when choosing personal care products for our families. In addition to the quick list of
Have you ever wondered how commercial fruits and vegetables rank against each other for pesticides? Recently I discovered a fabulous website for the Environmental Working Group (EWG) www.ewg.org. The EWG is a not-for-profit environmental research
We had a beautiful week in Northern Canada and Simon and I attribute this to the lovely people who helped host us. In general, Canadians seem very genuine and friendly. As Australians who had left
Continuing with our discussion on Sleep Deprivation and Insomnia, “Between about 5 and 10% of people are regularly using something to help them sleep,” says Professor Leon Lack, head of the Sleep Research Laboratory at
FOR FAST ACTING RELIEF FROM STRESS, TRY SLOWING DOWN! Lilly Tomlin, Actress and Comedienne Interestingly, when I was walking early this morning, my dominant meditative thought was “Thank you Lord, for helping me to be
As the year pans out I am definitely suffering from a lack of enthusiasm for creating exciting and nutritious lunch menus. Hopefully some of the following recipes, in addition to the examples offered in the
Do you have Candida? Many people unknowingly suffer with a candida overgrowth. While it is normal for some of the Candida yeast-like fungi (bacteria) to be present in the body, Candidiasis is a bacterial imbalance
STOP before you buy that sugar-free chewing gum, dessert, soft drink or yoghurt and consider the long term health risks!!! Since its discovery in 1965, controversy has raged over the health risks associated with the