How To Come Off The Birth Control Pill (And Not Get Pregnant)
So perhaps you have just read our blog on the Birth Control Pill, or maybe have been doing some research of your own. Either way you have made it here because you have decided that
So perhaps you have just read our blog on the Birth Control Pill, or maybe have been doing some research of your own. Either way you have made it here because you have decided that
Strictly speaking, our bodies are incredibly clever vessels (especially women’s, if we may say so ourselves?). From digestion to creating hormones, to brain function and creating new life, it is one of the most complex
At this point, you have probably read our other blogs in this series on the female menstrual cycle and hormonal contraception. Now for some reason or another, you may feel that your cycle is not
Researchers since the 1950s noted that people residing in the Mediterranean Sea were exceptionally healthy and had a low risk of many lifestyle diseases when compared to Americans. The reason: the Mediterranean diet!1 There is no
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is an artificial sugar made from corn syrup that quietly and grimly entered the food supply decades ago. Today HFCS is ubiquitous in a wide variety of foods, including pasta sauces
In our previous blog “What is Inflammation, Exactly?”, we explored the mechanisms behind inflammation, types of inflammation, and most importantly the risk factors and health conditions, associated with chronic inflammation. The cliff notes from that
Inflammation – heard of it? I’m sure you have as it’s one of the new buzz terms that people are now frequently talking about. The reason being is that it is widely acknowledged that inflammation
Cramping, PMS, sugar craving, tender breasts. All of which comes along with our monthly menses, right? Well no, not necessarily. I know it is hard to believe, but most of the things that we ‘deal
There are defining moments in every life when we must look inside to find our truth and what is important to us and this somewhat surreal past week has been one of mine. A week
Our current health care system is based on allopathic medicine which refers broadly to medical practice. Also termed Western medicine, evidence-based medicine, or science-based, modern medicine. When we look at the root meaning of allopathy,
Mitochondria are membrane-bound organelles present in almost all our cells. Responsible for orchestrating cellular energy production, they are central to the maintenance of life and the gatekeepers of cell death.2 As we discussed in our
We have all probably heard mitochondria being referred to as “the powerhouse” of our cells and that they play a large role in providing us with most of the energy we need to go about
Today, it is almost frowned upon if someone isn’t using or isn’t on some kind of contraceptive, it is also seen mostly as a responsibility for women to take on. Contraceptives are a positive win for
This is part 2 of a blog series. Please see our first blog, What is Oxidative Stress. As a refresher oxidative stress is a term used to describe when the critical balance between free radical generation
MAKES:1 large bottle PREP TIME: 15m COOKING TIME: 1hr We love having Kasundi in the fridge so I always tend triple this recipe! We always have it on hand to add to dishes for an