KORA Talks Ticklish

KORA Talks Ticklish

I’d like to share with you some beautiful words written by dear friend Therese Kerr…

“Sometimes in life you are blessed to meet people who, through their sheer determination and love, have the ability to make a massive difference to not only your life but to others.

“Last week I was truly blessed to finally meet Jen and Simon of Well Adjusted™. Through spending quite some time with them I was able to appreciate their vision and focus… the focus being… to make a difference to, and to contribute in a positive way, to other people’s lives. That focus aligns so well with Miranda and KORA Organics, what we stand for and ultimately what we are about.

“Jen and Simon are incredible at what they do. They are not only beautiful people who everyone can benefit from seeing, they are also authors and I want to share my thoughts on their latest book Ticklish with you.

“I have always been intrigued by healthy living and have raised my family with a strong focus on general wellbeing, physically and emotionally. As I watch Miranda now as a mother make important decisions for baby Flynn I realise that some things were definitely easier when I was a young parent.

“There seems to be so many factors now to consider in regards to children’s health, gone are the days when we could randomly pick foods and assume they were full of nutritious vitamins and minerals. Now parents have to weigh up the cost of food against the vast number of fertilisers and hormones, they have to consider chemicals in drinking water in clothes and linen etc. Many parents struggle to get their children outdoors and off computers and electronic equipment. Things are indeed very different today.

“Being a health conscience Grandmother and mother I’d love to tell you all about the parenting book Ticklish – New Ways To Help Your Child Learn, Love and Play written by my friend Jennifer. This book is a tremendous resource for parents rich in ideas and suggestions for protecting our children’s health.

“As a mother of four Jennifer is all too familiar with how hard it can be to balance a busy life with the demands of being a parent. She beautifully reminds the reader of the importance of regularly engaging with their children and why simple rituals like laughter and tickling help our children from a neurological and emotional perspective. She offers new research combined with wholesome parenting principles. I urge all parents to grab a copy and be inspired to parent wholeheartedly.”

Therese Kerr
General Manager

KORA Organics by Miranda Kerr

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