Effective Ways to Relieve Colic
It is at times heartbreaking to hear distressed mother’s describing their colicky babies… I’ll often have mother’s say to me, “My baby doesn’t want to feed, he seems to be in pain and I don’t know
It is at times heartbreaking to hear distressed mother’s describing their colicky babies… I’ll often have mother’s say to me, “My baby doesn’t want to feed, he seems to be in pain and I don’t know
We all know the highs and lows of being a woman (assuming you, the reader, are a woman of course), and we tend to have a general idea of what our body feels like as
When building strength and balance in the body I often talk about the importance of chiropractic adjustments, probiotics, filtered water, a clean wholesome diet, reducing toxins where ever possible, sharing bugs, getting dirty, sweaty
Seminar speakers: Dr Jennifer BARHAM-FLOREANI, DCDr Simon FLOREANI, DC What Chiropractors Say About Our Seminars: “Coming back home after taking Well Adjusted Babies Module One for a second time this weekend in Stockholm, I can
Hello lovely people, It’s been a beat since I’ve written to you all. I hope that you and yours are well and thriving. I wanted to share one of my favourite quotes with you because
Roundup is the most ubiquitous weed killer on the planet. Glyphosate is just one toxic component of Roundup and it functions as an antibiotic, anti-parasite, and anti-sickle cell organism. Glyphosate is the most abundant antibiotic
Seminar speakers: Dr Jennifer BARHAM-FLOREANI, DCDr Simon FLOREANI, DC What Chiropractors Say About Our Seminar: “Coming back home after taking Well Adjusted Babies Module One for a second time this weekend in Stockholm, I can
Ignorance is bliss in many aspects of our lives. None more so, than when we absent mindedly use convenient sanitary products. I mean it’s certainly easier than considering if these absorbent inserts or shields somehow
Well that’s a heavy title for a blog! Here’s the thing, “chemicals” tend to get lumped together under the blanket title of “toxins” when in fact sometimes we need to drill down and get specific.
If there’s a trace mineral that I’m very fond of, its iodine. Most people think of goitre when you say iodine, with frightening images of swollen necks coming to mind resulting from an enlarged thyroid
There are 21 essential minerals required by the human body. They are called essential as the body cannot produce them, and without them, we can become very unwell. What Do Minerals Do For The Body? Like all
We discussed a lot about iodine in our first blog – Iodine: Why You Need It And Why You’ll Love It! and it’s vitally important that you read that blog first, to gain an understanding
Life can really test us at times. As humans we tend to be motivated by pain or pleasure i.e. it’s tempting to move towards something that is pleasurable or move away from something that’s painful,
*Barcelona: “Leading Well Adjusted Families Module 1”
Saturday 21st, and Sunday 22nd May 2022
Venue: Innato Centro Quiropractico, Calle Girona 61 Local 2. 08009 Barcelona
To register, click here and fill in the form
We’ve all heard of Botox before, perhaps you’ve even tried it, but few people know exactly what it is, nor its health effects. Since it’s accidental discovery in 1987, Botox has drastically advanced in terms